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Media accreditation for the VII International Municipal BRICS Forum

Media accreditation for the VII International Municipal BRICS Forum

Thank you for your interest in covering the VII IMBRICS Forum.

To apply for accreditation, please read the Regulation on the procedure for accreditation and complete the application form below.

* For temporary accreditation on the day of the Forum, you must notify the Organising Committee one day in advance.


1. General terms

1.1. Present Regulation has been developed in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1991, N 2124-1 (as amended on July 1, 2021) ‘On Mass Media’. The Regulation establishes the basic principles of accreditation of mass media representatives.

1.2. Accreditation of journalists at the IMBRICS Plus Business Communications Foundation within the framework of the International Municipal BRICS Cooperation Project is carried out by the press service of the Centre for Public Relations and Mass Media of the Organising Committee of the IMBRICS Plus Business Communications Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the IMBRICS Press Service) in order to widely, promptly and freely disseminate objective information about activities of the International Municipal BRICS Forum (hereinafter – IMBRICS Forum), creating the necessary conditions for journalists to carry out their professional activities when covering the work of the International Municipal BRICS Cooperation Project.

1.3. Mass media representatives officially registered on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1991, N 2124-1 (edition of July 1, 2021) ‘On Mass Media’ have the right to accreditation with the IMBRICS Forum.

1.4. Accreditation may be permanent or temporary. Permanent accreditation is granted to journalists who regularly and reliably cover the activities of the IMBRICS+ Forum, with whom an information partnership agreement has been concluded.

Accreditation is granted for a period of one year, followed by extension for the same period if neither side has stated otherwise a month before the end of the accreditation period. Permanent accreditation does not guarantee journalists their direct presence at events with a special event regime. In the absence of permanent accreditation, the journalist coordinates his participation in specific events with the IMBRICS Press Service. Temporary accreditation is issued for the coverage of a specific event based on an application from the head or a mass media representative received by the IMBRICS

2. The procedure for granting accreditation

2.1. The application for permanent accreditation of journalists is submitted by e-mail addressed to the Chairman of the Organising Committee on the official letterhead signed stamped by the head of the organisation.

The application for permanent accreditation specifies:
- full name of the mass media, information about the founders or publishers; surname, first name, patronymic of the chief editor, circulation, frequency/time of broadcasting, location, distribution region, postal address (with index), working phone and fax numbers, e-mail address;
- surname, first name, patronymic of the journalist, date of birth, position, office phone and fax numbers, e-mail address.

2.2. An application for temporary accreditation of journalists for the event is submitted by e-mail indicating the surname, first name, patronymic of the journalist, its position, work and mobile phone, e-mail address, full name of the mass media.

2.3. The IMBRICS Press Service requests a press kit, including a license and state registration (if necessary). The applicant is obliged to provide the requested documents within 1 (one) business day from the date of receipt of the request.

2.4. At the request of the Press Service, journalists are required to apply an application for bringing equipment to the event.

2.5. The acceptance of applications for accreditation is reported on the official website of the IMBRICS Forum (

2.6. The deadlines are set by the Organising Committee of the IMBRICS Forum and are posted on the official website of the IMBRICS Forum (

3. Rights of accredited journalists

3.1. Take part in press-conferences, briefings, attend events organised and held by the IMBRICS Forum, to which they are invited in advance by the employees of the IMBRICS Press Service, apart from closed events with a special access regime.

3.2. Receive announcements, press releases, information and reference materials, videos and photographs related to the activities of the IMBRICS Forum and intended for distribution in the mass media.

3.3. Conduct audio, video recording, photographing of open events.

3.4. Contact the IMBRICS Press Service for assistance in organising and receiving interviews, comments, explanations of the management and specialists of the IMBRICS Forum.

4. Responsibilities of accredited journalists

4.1. Not to interfere with the order of events (interference means oral statements or actions aimed at attracting the attention of those present or interrupting the course of the event; photo and video filming that interferes with the course of the event, as well as other actions that hinder the conduct of the event).

4.2. Comprehensively and objectively inform readers, viewers and radio listeners about the events held by the IMBRICS Forum.

4.3. When carrying out professional activities, observe the rights and legitimate interests of IMBRICS Forum, respect the honor and dignity of its employees.

4.4. Provide the interviewed official of the IMBRICS Forum with the text of the interview and photos for approval.

4.5. Promptly provide the IMBRICS Press Service with materials related to the activities of the IMBRICS Forum published in the publications submitted by the Press Service.

4.6. Not to disclose confidential information. If such information has become known to an accredited journalist while carrying out its work.

5. Refusal to grant accreditation

5.1. The event is held behind closed doors and mass media representatives, by the decision of the organisers, are not invited to it.

5.2. False or incomplete information provided to the mass media for accreditation in accordance with paragraph 2 of Present Regulation.

6. Revocation of accreditation and termination of its validity

6.1. The grounds for depriving journalists of accreditation may be:

6.1.1. Violation of the requirements of Present Regulation by a journalist or editorial office.

6.1.2. Dissemination by a journalist or editorial office of false information, as well as information discrediting the honor and dignity of employees and members of the IMBRICS Forum and damaging their activities.

6.1.3. Refusal of a journalist or editorial office to make an official apology and place a refutation on a publication that does not correspond to reality.

6.1.4. The absence of coverage of the activities of the IMBRICS Forum in the mass media, which is represented by a journalist, during the year.

6.2. The accreditation of a journalist is terminated in the following cases:

6.2.1. Termination of the existence of the represented media.

6.2.2. The decision of the media management to remove a journalist from covering the activities of the IMBRICS Forum.

6.2.3. Dismissal of a journalist from the media, at whose request he was accredited, in terms of which the editorial office of the media undertakes to notify the IMBRICS Press Service within three days.

6.2.4. Incorrect behavior of a journalist at the events of the IMBRICS Forum, for example, violation of public order, insults, etc.

6.3. A journalist is deprived of all the rights provided for by Present Regulation from the date of termination of accreditation.

Application form